Credit score repair is important to many people for many different reasons. Maybe you’re looking to buy a new home, open up a small business, or are tired of high interest rate credit cards. Learning how to repair your credit can help consumers who are looking for financial freedom.
The reality is that credit score repair can happen in many different ways. You can look into credit counseling where you will be set up with someone to help you repair your credit or you could start doing it yourself. Credit repair services can help you along by disputing negative marks on your credit report, discussing credit card changes, and figuring out if debt consolidation is a possible. The following suggestions are just a few ways to get started on the process.
You might have received conflicting advice regarding older credit cards, or those with a zero balance; close them! leave them open! The truth is that you should keep your cards open, even those with a zero balance, and use them. When you use them, pay off the balance immediately. These older cards may help repair your credit as many credit bureaus look at how long you have had a card open, the credit limit, and the balance.
Missing your payments can be harmful to your credit, and it’s likely you are aware of this, but it’s time to start getting serious. Even making late payments can hurt your credit if your payment is later than 30 days. Debt consolidation could be a solution if you have several credit cards payments due at all different times of the month.
Once you get a credit card, or loan, it can be easy to cut off all ties with your lender. However, being in touch with them is one way to start repairing your credit. You don’t necessarily have to be buddy-buddy with your lender but should be able to reach them easily. It’s important because should you need to make a late payment you might be able to get a one-time extension or post your payment without a negative mark on your credit report. Lenders might also be able to work with you in getting a lower interest rate for a designated period of time or assist you in consolidating your balances into one loan or credit card.
The Takeaway
A few smart credit moves can jump start your journey towards credit score repair. AmONE can help you identify ways for you to keep up to date on your payments, use your credit cards wisely, and work with your creditors to repair your credit. Our knowledgeable associates are ready answer your questions on money management, financial planning, debt consolidation, credit score repair, and more. Contact us to learn how to repair your credit today.