Tips and Advice

Tips for Using Mobile Banking Safely

If you’re using your smart phone or tablet more and more to check your bank account, are you sure your information is safe?
secure mobile device
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Kristin Marino verified

secure mobile device The use of mobile banking has seen some growth over the past few years. According to the American Bankers Association mobile banking amongst consumers 18 to 34 is up to 15 percent. Overall 6 percent of banking is done through a mobile device and 39 percent is online whether through a PC or laptop.

Online banking overall has nearly doubled in the past 4 years according to the same survey. For each age group, including those over the age of 55, online banking is their preferred method of banking. If you’re using your smart phone or tablet more and more to check your bank account, are you sure your information is safe? Here are some ways to protect your money and identity while mobile banking.

  • Do not use an automatic log-in. Most apps where a log in is needed give you the option to automatically log in once the app is oepned, this is something you want to skip for your bank app and any credit card apps you might use. Whether a hacker steals you information or you lose your phone, no one should have automated access to your banking information.
  • Get antivirus protection. While you might think antivirus software is only for computers, you can get protection for your mobile devices as well. Research the various programs available such as Norton, Bullguard Mobile Security 10, AVG Mobile Anti-Virus, and more to find one that is right for your device.
  • Consider password protecting your device. Although it can be annoying to have to type in a password each time you want to use your mobile device, it could be very helpful if your phone is lost or stolen.
  • Change your passwords occasionally. We have mentioned before how changing your passwords can be helpful so be sure to this with your mobile devices as well. A majority of the time you’ll have to use the same password when banking online and on your mobile device so changing your password will help you doubly protect your information.
  • Mobile banking is a convenient way for anyone to stay on top of their budget. Some people are even turning toward making mobile payments using Paypal, Square, and many other platforms.

    The Takeaway

    With the transition into mobile banking rising, protecting yourself from identity theft is a wise investment to make. AmONE can help you get connected with identity theft protection services; if you have already been a victim of identity theft we can help you find credit repair programs that are right for you. Contact AmONE today to learn more about how we can help you.